Adderall Works, AutoCorrect Doesn’t

Book photograph with flipping pages.
Image via Wikipedia

In my last post, I talked about stopping my Adderall medication. I said that the risks were outweighing the rewards for me, so I stopped taking it. I figured that I would try to overcome my ADHD with mental exercises and trying really really hard.

If you follow my blog and/or look at my calendar, you’ll notice that I haven’t been publishing posts as often as before. The first obstacle I ran into was, not surprisingly, a drop in my ability to focus. I didn’t think the Adderall was very effective until a few days ago, when I looked back and reevaluated my life after stopping the medication. I noticed that I not only posted on my blog less often, but it was actually harder for me to even get started.

Even now, it’s hard for me to write without being distracted by little things. When I was taking my medication, I never had this problem. I was able to write multiple posts without a hitch.

Now here’s the kicker: I’m not going to restart the medication. I still believe that I can overcome it with God’s help and a little willpower. It might be more difficult without the medicine, but it will be much more worth it.

On a lighter note, I’d like to tell you about a book I just finished reading. Contrary to my opinion on the effectiveness of Adderall, I think the AutoCorrect feature on many smartphones isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. I say this because of the book as well as my own personal experience.

If you text frequently with this wonderful feature, you’ll probably be able to relate to some of the situations throughout the book. If you have a chance to buy the book or check it out from a library, I highly recommend that you do. It’s very entertaining and only takes about 1-2 hours cover to cover. Be advised, though, because it does contain adult language.

5 thoughts on “Adderall Works, AutoCorrect Doesn’t”

  1. Hmm. I’m more a fan of changing the conditions rather than trying harder. I’m learning what conditions are better for me and trying to fit my work into those conditions. It’s not always possible, but overall things are better.

    I’ve also found vitamin B12 and krill oil helpful, and my doctor recommended vitamin D as well, especially in winter (I’m in Michigan—winter is long and dark).


    1. I agree. I should have been a little more specific when I said that I’d “try really really hard. I didn’t mean that I was going to try to just will it away. I meant that I was going to actively try to change my way of thinking with the aid of mental stimulation and changing what conditions I can.


      1. Cool. I’ve heard “just try harder,” my whole life and cringed a bit on the first read. 🙂


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